


Could a Cure for Blindness Exist? Scientists Believe so

Your ability to see isn't magic, it is the product of all the rods, cones, and photoreceptors within your eye working together to translate light into electrical signals that are sent to your brain. The brain, then interprets the electrical signals and what you see today is...

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The Three Types of Cataracts and What you should be on the Lookout For

Most people over the age of 40 that suffer vision loss are developing cataracts. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness throughout the entire world. The number of cases of cataracts far eclipse the amount of glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy cases comb...

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Allergies and What it Might Mean For Your Eyes

Runny nose? Scratchy throat? Sneezing? These can all be caused by allergies, but allergies can effect a lot more than your nose and throat. The eyes are subject to many different allergens as well, and unfortunately many people are susceptible to these allergies.If you find that...

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Contact Wearers Beware! The CDC Says You Need to be More Careful

Contact lenses are a very popular choice for many Americans in regards to vision correction. If used properly, contacts are a relatively safe and effective way of combating vision problems, but according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) approximately 99% of contact wearers...

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The Dangers Smoke Poses to Your Eyes

If you live in California, then you are probably familiar with the dangers of wildfires. Wildfires spread quickly and cause a lot of damage to the ecosystem and neighboring towns. Setting aside the obvious danger from the spread of fire, the smoke can be equally as detrimental to...

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Virtual Reality Headsets: Toys? Or Future Medical Tools?

Probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think of virtual reality headsets is their function in the entertainment industry. Virtual reality is the new frontier of the entertainment world, but could there be more to the technology than meets the eye?Amblyopia, or &ldqu...

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The Danger Diabetes Presents to the Health of your Eyes

Diabetes is a growing issue throughout the world, with an estimated 382 million people suffering from it in 2013. If not treated, diabetes can lead to other serious medical complications such as: ischemic heart disease, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke—but did you k...

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7 Different Foods That Are Good For Your Eyes

There are a lot of different foods out there that help to promote good eye health, but how many do you know about? In this article we talk about some of these foods and how they can be beneficial to your daily diet.Orange VegetablesI'm sure you remember at least one person...

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Common Misconceptions Regarding UV Safety

Most people know to protect themselves from Ultraviolet (UV) rays using traditional sunblock because of increasing skin cancer awareness. It is a less common understanding when it comes to the dangers UV radiation poses to your eyes, but like skin cancer awareness, it is becoming...

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Dr. Majmudar published in the June issue of Ophthalmology Journal

Dr. Parag A. Majmudar, MD of Chicago Cornea Consultants™, Ltd. is one of the featured writers of the Mitomycin-C OTA that will be featured in the June issue of the Ophthalmology Journal.We would like to congratulate Dr. Majmudar and his team on their excellent work. To read...

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