


What Is Phacoemulsification?

Cataracts are a common eye condition, especially in older patients. The natural lens in our eye tends to get cloudy as a normal side effect of age.Cataracts don't only affect the elderly, either. Anyone above the age of forty is likely to develop a cataract. Even younger...

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Do You Know These 5 IOL Facts?

Cataracts may be a common side effect of getting older, but that doesn't make them any less inconvenient. Not every cataract develops enough to need surgery.But when a cataract has ripened, vision loss is inevitable. When this happens, the only option is cataract surgery...

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Rush University Department of Ophthalmology is listed in ‘Recommended Ophthalmology Programs’

For the first time, the Rush University Department of Ophthalmology (which our practice is associated with) has made it onto the list of “recommended ophthalmology programs” by the US News & World Report, for 2018. This ranking is based on a three-y...

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Your Eye Health and Your Diet

It is important to ensure that you are eating foods that are good for your overall health as well as your eye health! I'm sure you’ve heard to eat more carrots if you want strong eyes or fill your diet with leafy greens but what are you eating that could be harming yo...

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Styes: Should You Be Concerned?

I'm sure at some point you’ve felt the nagging discomfort of having a stye on your eyelid. Styes are similar to a pimple, but they form on your upper or lower eyelid. The stye inflammation of the eyelid can be caused by a couple things—either an oil duct is bloc...

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Eye Injuries and Eye Doctors: To See, or Not To See?

Have you ever scratched your eye on accident? This could easily be done by something like an article of clothing, hairbrush, or even a fingernail and cause what is called, a corneal abrasion. These types of injuries are considered pretty minor and usually cause discomfort for onl...

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Could a Cure for Blindness Exist? Scientists Believe so

Your ability to see isn't magic, it is the product of all the rods, cones, and photoreceptors within your eye working together to translate light into electrical signals that are sent to your brain. The brain, then interprets the electrical signals and what you see today is...

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7 Different Foods That Are Good For Your Eyes

There are a lot of different foods out there that help to promote good eye health, but how many do you know about? In this article we talk about some of these foods and how they can be beneficial to your daily diet.Orange VegetablesI'm sure you remember at least one person...

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LASIK Prices and Payment Options

Eye Surgery Cost in ChicagoAt Chicago Cornea Consultants™, Ltd., we perform traditional and custom LASIK surgery to improve the vision of nearsighted, farsighted, and astigmatic patients. But before our Chicago laser eye surgery patients make the commitment to undergo trea...

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Treating Farsightedness with LASIK Surgery

Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is the condition in which a person is able to see clearly in the distance but not up close. This can hinder everyday activities such as reading or looking at a computer screen, requiring the use of corrective lenses in order to bring the world into f...

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